Gauge sentiment & collect testimonials

Storer Exit Surveys

How do your services stack up?

Discover storer sentiment + collect more testimonials and reviews

Did storers find the sign-up process difficult, or was there a memorable interaction with one of your staff members? It’s never a good idea to assume everything is okay. That’s where an exit survey comes in.

Automatically request and collect feedback from past storers at the time of move out to see where you made a memorable difference – and to discover areas for improvement.

  • Grow your pool of testimonials from past customers
  • Discover your storer sentiment – are your storers happy with your service & your offering, or is there room for improvement?
  • See where you can improve and win more business from your competitors
  • Survey results can be anonymous if desired
  • Get more Google Reviews to build social trust

Automated triggers from Storman Cloud

If you use industry-leading self storage management software Storman Cloud, you can automate the sending of these surveys using one of their Correspondence Plans to trigger an email or SMS a few days after move-out.

It’s a great way to save time and automatically grow your pool of storer testimonials. Marketing made easy!

Ready to get started?

Looking forward to discovering how your offering stacks up? Get in touch to find out more about our storer exit surveys.
