Get in touch
Contact Us
Please note that we are currently overseas for a convention and are due to return in mid September. As such, we are not accepting any video or cassette transfer jobs at the moment. Due to timezome differences, email or SMS is our preferred method of contact. Thank you.

Contact Big Budda Boom
Here to help
A quick note: Given the nature of our some of our work (events & theatre productions), our crew can’t always answer the phone. As such, email or SMS is generally our preferred method of contact.
Call us on 1300 660 937 (if we’re not available, please leave a message and we’ll get back to you later in the day).
For a faster reply, please send us a text via 0412 630064.
Mailing Address
GPO Box 1491, Brisbane QLD 4001
Hours of Operation
We’re generally available 7 days a week, from 7am – 7pm. We may sometimes be unavailable on public holidays or if we’re running a gig for a client.
Contact Big Budda Boom
Enquiry form